BCM Haven Goes On Tour

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Haven, the BCM's weekly Tuesday evening worship service, provides a foundation for Baptist ministry and fellowship on campus. But as construction continues on the BCM's new facility, the ministry was left without a worship venue for the spring 2018 semester, and a weekly worship location became the BCM's top physical need.

In an answer to that need, local churches stepped in to be weekly hosts as Haven went on tour across Monroe and the surrounding areas. The below churches and ministry leaders have hosted Haven services over the past few months, and because of their support the BCM was able to remain faithful in weekly worship ministry even without a permanent facility.

Please join us in thanking the following churches and individuals for their tangible support and encouragement this semester!

A special thanks to Cody Albritton (North Monroe Baptist Church), Jericho Jones (First West), Vickie Arthur (McClendon Baptist Church), James Doughty (First Monroe), Aaron Dickinson and Darren Rindt (Swartz First Baptist Church), and Grant Bamburg (Victory Baptist Church) for facilitating our visit at their respective churches.

Chad McClurg