BCM Online Resources

During this time of change at ULM BCM wants to encourage you to continue to grow in your faith. BCM will provide multiple online resources to help you to grow and learn and become a fully developed follower of Christ.


Summer Small Groups

This summer BCM will host On-Line Small groups of 6-8 students reading through Crazy Love by Francis Chan. Group meeting times will be decided by groups and will meet 1 hour a week for 10 weeks this Summer. Sign up below to grow your walk with God and have community with fellow students over the Summer.



Check out the BCM YouTube page to see weekly messages and discussion questions for personal or group use.

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BCM PodCast

Listen to Podcasts from the BCM with different topics and guests talking about scripture, faith, and the Christian Life. Available at link below or on Apple Podcast / Spotify / Google Podcasts.


BCM Blog

Check out writings and blogs from the BCM Staff and friends of the ministry.