Armor of God #3 / Jennifer Peckmore
As discussed in previous blogs, the armor of God is crucial to combat evil, spiritual forces. Christians have an important call to share the gospel. Sharing our salvation story is essential to tell others how the gospel has impacted our life. Through accepting Christ as our Lord and Savior, we then have faith in the one who saved us. Sharing the gospel and having faith in God are both aspects that are a part of the armor of God.
The gospel provides footing for everything we do. Ephesians 6:15 says, “Having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” Preparation means a prepared foundation. Knowing our foundation is in the gospel provides us with peace. Isaiah 52:7 reads, “How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness, who announces salvation, and says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” (NASB)
The only good news we can give as a Christian is the good news of the gospel and how it has impacted our lives. We never outgrow our need of the gospel; therefore, it is foundational. The gospel gives us peace because it is the hope for our relationship with God. It is also the hope for our relationship with ourselves and identity issues. The Gospel is our hope for our relationship with other people and our relationship with the world, both as overcomers and kingdom-bringers who want to see the world renewed by Jesus. We should be ready and confident to fight for God’s kingdom on earth and growing his kingdom by making disciples.
I once heard a story about somebody sharing the gospel with someone who had never heard. The Christian finished telling the nonbeliever the full gospel story and she said, “You honestly expect me to believe that?” She proceeded to say, “If you believe that, you would be telling everyone about it.” That person is so right. If we know placing our faith in what Jesus did on the cross saves us from eternal damnation and brings us into a relationship with him as our Savior, but we do not share that with others, then they think two things. One, they believe we do not fully think it is true or else we would share it. Two, they believe we do not care where they spend eternity. We know this life changing story that provides peace for us in all of life. It is our foundation in life. I urge you to share this story with everyone you can. When you can share your story with others, you are reminded how powerful the gospel is to save a sinner like yourself.
A shield, as most people know, protects the whole-body during combat. Ephesians 6:16 says to “take up the shield of faith.” It is important to know that it is God in scripture who is often mentioned as our shield. For example, “Every word of God is tested; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him,” Proverbs 30:5. In Genesis 15:1 the word came to Abram saying, “Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you.” Our faith is in the Creator of the universe. He created us, and He protects us.
Some people believe that once you are a Christian your life becomes easy, but that is not necessarily promised in scripture. This kind of “faith” is not faith you can fight against the evil one. That kind of faith is believing that God grants you anything; however, he is not Santa Claus or a genie. Our faith is a shield because God will give us what we need for this life. We often want God to give us things because we think our circumstances are our biggest enemies; however, Satan and sin are the biggest enemies.
Our faith is in Someone, not wishes, expectations, or efforts. Our faith is in the Creator of the universe and we should be telling others of this relationship we have with Him. As we fight against the devil’s schemes, God is fighting for us. Whatever you may be struggling with, let this good news comfort you today.