Big Hawk
What does a big hawk do?
Big Hawk / Little Hawk will be a mentor/discipleship program for Freshmen at ULM BCM. As upperclassmen, you have the opportunity to sign up and connect with 1-2 new students to invest in someone for 7 weeks this Fall. You will be someone who answers questions, gives encouragement, and helps the new student learn college life.
What is the Commitment?
As a Big Hawk, you commit to these things for 7 weeks this Fall:
Contact your Little Hawk 2-3 a week via text, call, etc., to see how the week is going and what needs they might have.
Meet up in person once a week for an intentional activity. BCM will provide ideas such as Visit a Monroe restaurant together, Doing an activity on campus, Sharing your stories and testimonies with each other, etc.
Commit to not backing out of these responsibilities during these 7 weeks. If you have any hesitancy about time or desire to do this, please do NOT sign up. The worst case is a freshman being disappointed because they do not hear from their Big Hawk.
What are the dates?
Kickoff is Thursday September 14 at 7pm. Program will end November 2nd.